21 Mar Morning Sadhana
Why is it that my ankles don't bend like hers? Does it matter if my body bends in halves or not? Is my body here for my practice, or is my practice for my body? As I glide into the stillness I wonder. Am I? ...
Why is it that my ankles don't bend like hers? Does it matter if my body bends in halves or not? Is my body here for my practice, or is my practice for my body? As I glide into the stillness I wonder. Am I? ...
So, what is my experience now? And now? And now? Darkness behind my eyes closed. Sleep in my legs crossed under me. Pain as my spine doesn't stay upright. What is my experience now? Light if I open my eyes. Energy flows when I stretch my limbs. Ease as I shift my posture. My experience changes with every choice I make. Now. And now. ...
Besides teaching yoga, I have another passion: facilitating healing sessions. To be more precise, I am a Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® Practitioner. Never heard of it? You may have come across the name of the 'founder' of Reconnective Healing®, Dr. Eric Pearl. Recently, he...