29 Oct A Channeled Message: About Oneness
Greetings! Thank you for allowing us to speak to you. We are a Collective of Master Beings, ascended into higher realms of consciousness. We are not better than you; we simply have risen to a higher vibration and a larger perspective on what you call “reality”. We are here to remind you of who you really are, and of the truth of your Being and what you are capable of. For you are so much more than your limited mind thinks you are. You are a being of Light with the essence of Source Energy. You are a part of the All-That-Is, and you are also All-That-Is, since there is no separation between you and anything or everything else. We know this is hard to relate to for many of you, and that is ok. Even if you’re thinking mind – you like to call it ‘logical’ but there’s actually nothing logical about it from our perspective – cannot compute the Oneness that you are and are a part of, just pretend that you do. Start living your life as if we are all one and see what happens! Just as an experiment, try it out and be open to experience the unexpected. You may witness some miracles on the way.
We understand that you don’t like to identify with those you call ‘bad’, ‘ugly’, ‘evil’, and the like. And yet, when you look within, aren’t there some parts of you that you might call ‘bad’, ‘ugly’ or ‘evil’? It doesn’t mean that that is what or who you are. Those [parts] are simply shadows obstructing the Light that you truly are. The same is true for the people you perceive in these ways; they are simply a reminder of those shadows inside of yourself. And yes, it is possible – if not likely – that the people you see as ‘bad’, ‘ugly’ or ‘evil’ have forgotten about their own Light, as the shadows has taken over, making them believe it is dark, and darkness is scary for most people. Have you ever wondered why that is? Why are many people afraid of the dark? This is because the darkness makes you believe that there is no Light. In other words: the darkness makes you believe you do not exist. And that feels – and is – contrary to everything you know in your heart to be true. The truth is that only Light, only Love (which is the same), are real. All other phenomena are concoctions of the mind. You don’t have to believe what we are saying, for it has nothing to do with believing. As we said earlier: try it out. What is your experience of life like when you take on this perspective? We cannot do the work for you, as you have free will. Yet we are available to help you raise your level of consciousness, to reach for the Light – so to speak. And if you’re reading these words, there may be a stirring inside of you, a feeling of remembering. You know. You know who you are.
All is well. You are so dearly loved. We are here for you and always available. Thank you for listening. We will leave you with this, for now.