A Channeled Message: All Is Well

Greetings, Dear One, we are the Ancient Ones.

We know you’ve felt a little lost lately, and wonder where this is all going. You worry about what is happening in the world. Let us assure you that everything is going according to plan. This is all part of the ascension process of humanity. We understand that these last contractions of the Patriarchy feel inhumane and detrimental to the wellbeing of many. Know that every evil will be rightened, that every injustice is a call to wake up to the truth that we are all One.

It may seem that the majority is stuck in a constricted mind state. Yet, it is the loudest who you hear. Many more who are silent are doing their part – consciously or subconsciously – to bring about the required change for humanity to ascend to a different dimension. And know that not everyone will join. Some will choose to stay back, to remain in the density that they know and are so familiar with. Allow them to choose their own path. As you ascend there will come a time when you can no longer see them. You will be living in a new reality where there is no conflict, no separation, no duality. It will be so peaceful and beautiful it is even beyond your imagination. Trust us when we say that this time will be here sooner than you think. For now, don’t let yourself believe what seems to be the truth for many. Stay your own course. Know who you are. Abide with the knowingness that all is well, even when you think it’s not only because you cannot see the bigger picture.

You have free will, so we can’t force anything to happen, yet we know that your deepest desire is peace, and we can work with that.

We are here for you. We are always with you. We are holding your hand as you are finding your way towards your Heaven on Earth. We love you, we love you, we love you. And so it is.