The practice of yoga has become so popular these days; it seems virtually everyone has tried a class at some point. Especially in the beginning, a yoga class can be overwhelming though: “Where do I put my mat? Do I really have to take off...

You can’t open a magazine, or read your newsfeed on Facebook, without coming across some article about the importance of eating healthy. Super foods! No meat, no sugar, no gluten! Less dairy, more organic! I think most people know by now that eating healthy is...

People often ask me how I do it. Traveling so much, I mean. How do I stay healthy and rested on all those flights? The trick is: be well prepared and have the perfect travel kit with you! Here is how. 1. First of all: make...

Happy 2014, happy new beginnings! A good start it is. January 1st, 2014 has a New Moon, which is the sign of new beginnings. And there is new life: my brother called me this morning to let me know a baby is on it’s way! How are...

Besides teaching yoga, I have another passion: facilitating Reconnection healing sessions. Actually, I think it is more accurate to say that my passion is to help people transform. Transform into the best version of themselves. And I don’t mean like being the best in class,...

It seems that everything in life is a challenge nowadays. To keep up with Facebook, emails, groceries, eating healthy, getting enough exercise, taking time to meditate; it all requires effort and planning. Then still, it seems that there are not enough hours in the day....

I don’t know if you ever read any “self-help” books, but I do. I really don’t like the term “self-help” though. It sounds so eh, well, desperate. Like you have tried everything, and then as a last solution there is the do-it-yourself shelf at the...

I am fully aware that this blog is way over due. It is not that I don’t like writing. I do actually. Lack of time is also a false argument. I spend plenty of hours on airplanes mindlessly flipping through magazines. I like to tell...

In general, I think it is a good idea to go with the flow of Life. It is helpful to realize that when something is going differently than you had wanted or expected, there is usually a good reason for it. Especially when it comes...

Being a yoga teacher doesn’t mean that I am always “Zen” and stress-free (see also 10 Misconception about Yoga – Parts 4 and 5). Especially traveling can bring up some interesting experiences that call on all the wisdom and knowledge I have to not become a...

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