21 Feb My Favorite Blends
Essential Oils can be used in a variety of ways[1]: topically (on the skin), internally (ingesting a few drops with water, or directly under the tongue) and aromatically (by diffusing them). I use my oils in all three ways, depending on the oil and the effect I am looking for.
When I have a day of traveling, or simply a lot to do, I put a drop of Balance (a blend of oils to aid grounding) under the soles of my feet. The foot soles have a lot of nerve endings and acupressure points just under the skin, which makes it an ideal spot to have the oil be absorbed effectively and quickly. Each morning I put a drop of lemon oil in a glass of warm water that I drink before I eat anything, to aid my digestion. I prefer the oil to fresh lemon, as it is less harsh on my teeth and my stomach.
Which oils I put in my diffuser varies greatly. I love blending oils, choosing them by their fragrance and properties, just like putting a bouquet of flowers together. I’ll ask myself: “What mood would I like to set in this room today”? “Which emotion needs balancing?” “Which smell would make me smile”? Then I either consult my books, or go by feel. Most of the blends I make I put together intuitively. I’ve received many questions on blending oils, specifically for in the diffuser. I’d be happy to share with you my favorite blends so far:
Restful Sleep / Calming blends[2]:
1 Petitgrain
3 Lavender
2 Ylang Ylang
3 Geranium
1 Patchouli
2 Copaiba
2 Ylang Ylang
2 Lavender
2 Copaiba
2 Clary sage
1 Patchouli
1 Patchouli
1 Clary sage
1 Ylang Ylang
1 Roman Chamomille
1 Geranium
3 Frankincense
2 Wild Orange
Cheerful and Uplifting blends:
2 Kumquat
1 Bergamot
1 Cheer blend
3 Grapefruit
2 Lemongrass
2 Cheer blend
3 Balance blend
3 Frankincense
2 Wild Orange
1 Peppermint
Focus blends:
3 Wild Orange
2 Peppermint
3 Bergamot
2 Peppermint
3 Lemon
2 Bergamot
1 Grapefruit
Air and Energy Refreshing:
2 Lemon
2 Lavender
2 Peppermint
3 Frankincense
2 OnGuard blend
2 Melaleuca
2 Peppermint
2 Breathe blend
3 Rosemary
3 Wild Orange
3 Eucalyptus
2 Peppermint
Soothing blend:
3 Lavender
2 Geranium
Of course, you can also diffuse just your favorite oil by itself. Even though there is an art and technique to blending oils, especially when you use them therapeutically, when you go by what smells good you can’t go wrong. Do remember though: essential oils are very potent and a little goes a long way. Happy blending!
If you’d like to learn more about essential oils and how to get them, click here.
[1]Provided that the oils are certified therapeutic grade. I only use essential oils from doTERRA as I find them to be the best and purest available.
[2]The numbers refer to the number of drops of oil.