22 Jul Become the Healing Instrument that you are
If it wasn’t for his patients who reported they could feel his hands healing on their arms or legs even before he touched them, Dr. Eric Pearl would probably still be working as a chiropractor in L.A. Fortunately, he took his patients’ claims seriously. He actually didn’t have much choice. At some point, all his patients reported the same thing. Some of his patients even started to channel messages, whereas none of them (except for one) had ever done that before. More than 50 patients delivered the exact same message, so even though he was as surprised as his patients Dr. Pearl had to accept that something unique was taking place in his practice. Even more so when multiple patients reported physical healings that went beyond what would have been possible with “just” a chiropractic adjustment.
Determined to find out what was going on with his hands and his sudden ability to facilitate healings, Dr. Pearl visited a string of long time healers, new age gurus and psychics only to hear: “This is different, this is new. I have never seen this before.” After visiting with Deepak Chopra and several renowned scientific researchers, Dr. Pearl realized that his “gift” was not only very real, it was indeed new and different. It seems that only now that human consciousness has shifted to higher dimensions, we are able to access a broad bandwidth of healing frequencies that comprise of energy, light and information. These Reconnective Healing frequencies allow us to step into a timeless dimension, where there are no restrictions and where we can reconnect to our perfect blue print. Reconnective Healing allows us to come back into balance, whether this is on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level.
Dr. Pearl also learned that Reconnective Healing can be taught to others, and the more people on the planet practice Reconnective Healing, the stronger the frequencies appear to get.
Currently, Dr. Pearl travels around the world to share his gift with others. He has taught more than 100,000 people in his Reconnective Healing training programs. During a training program, we learn ways to become more intrinsically aware of the universal intelligence that created all life forms. Dr. Pearl teaches us how to tune into and access the healing frequencies of this intelligence from both inside and out. Then, we are being demonstrated how to bring this intelligence in and interact with it at a more comprehensive and evolved level – to inform, guide, and heal.
Thanks to Dr. Pearl – who had the courage to evolve and transform his own life – we can now evolve and transform not only our own life but that of others as well.
Learn how you too, can easily access this healing power to help others and yourself with the new Online Level I Reconnective Healing training program, and the in-person Level 2 programs in Atlanta, Georgia, (June 2-4, 2017) and in Detroit, Michigan, (June 23-25, 2017). For registrations: TheReconnection.com.
Dr. Eric Pearl
Marije E. Paternotte is – besides a yoga and meditation teacher – a Certified The Reconnection Practitioner, a Practitioner Mentor and a Teaching Assistant to Dr. Pearl. Visit her at HappyHealingCompany.com