Sat Chit Ananda

Two months ago today, my immensely loved mom passed away. She had received the diagnosis of terminal cancer only 4 months prior. During these past 6 months I have experienced the most intense and difficult moments of my life, and some of the most beautiful...

how to sit to stop doing and change your mind
Change Your Mind

I've been dealing with a serious health challenge in my family for the last couple of months, which has me traveling back and forth across the Atlantic. This is why I haven't written in a while, as other things seem more important at the moment....

Google Mind

- Guest Blog by Evangelos Diavolitsis -   Insight of the day. Stillness is the best google search! I discovered this afternoon that a still mind is much more educational and illuminating than any google search. What do I mean by this? When my thinking mind is still, I notice I...

About Loving Kindness and Why Practice It

I never really understood the practice of Loving Kindness, metta, until recently. Sure, I had read about it, heard about it in my trainings, practiced it, and even taught it, but somehow I didn’t ‘quite get it’. That is until I read Christina Feldman’s book...

The Second Arrow

The teachings of the Buddha about the Second Arrow are a great way to understand why holding on to a grudge causes so much more suffering than the actual event that caused the grief. Two Buddhist monks are silently walking along a path. When they reach...

Loving What Is

The other day I had this (homemade) chocolate cake for lunch. I am so tired of the “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”, both in my own mind and what society thinks. Yesterday I read an Instagram post from a befriended yoga teacher sharing all the plans she made...

The Struggle of Not-Doing

Recently I spent several days on the couch. Lying flat. Not because I wanted to, but because an old lower back injury had came back in full force. My doctor said it might not heal if I didn’t take complete rest. I love resting and taking...

Grief is a Bitch

When Paula had just passed away I didn’t feel anything. I had seen this moment coming for quite a while. We had exchanged our last text messages saying how much we loved each other. My husband and I went for a walk on the beach...

Gluten-Free High Protein Banana Peanut Butter Cranberry Muffins

I’ve shared before that I often use cookbooks as a source of inspiration and then make my own version of the recipes. This is one of those recipes. I have made similar muffins from The Karma Chow Ultimate Cookbook by Melissa Costello many times. When...

My Kitten Teachers

I’ve wanted a kitten for a long time. Or two, actually. But because my husband and I were always traveling, it never seemed like a good idea. Enter the pandemic. We suddenly found ourselves home all the time. And it doesn’t look like we are...

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