Greetings, Dear One, we are the Ancient Ones. Hear us, as we say to you: All is well. There really is never a reason to worry about anything. Worry is a projection of your fears into the future. These fears are based on the rejection of...

Two months ago today, my immensely loved mom passed away. She had received the diagnosis of terminal cancer only 4 months prior. During these past 6 months I have experienced the most intense and difficult moments of my life, and some of the most beautiful...

“The best advice I can give you is to not resist the schedule” my mom said when I talked to her on the phone while driving up to IMS in Massachusetts for a 4-day silent meditation retreat. And she could know, as she has attended...

Recently I was asked this question by OneWorld retreats in order to promote my yoga retreat in Bali. The first answer that came to mind was: “why not?” And then: “because it is easier than meditation”. I realize that those are not satisfactory answers, let...

For a long time I had a love/hate relationship with meditation*. On one hand I loved to meditate because it brought me places (that may not make sense, but I will explain hereunder). The ‘hate part’, on the other hand, took over mostly. I found...